The first set of visuals are completed and sent to our printer, Print HQ, who graciously gave us a 45-minutes extension. Our team is definitely feeling the pressure of our looming deadlines, but are performing excellently under the extreme conditions.
The first completed elemented are the One Millionth Child campaign stickers, which will be heavily used in conjunction with the other printed material. The stickers will be printed in four different colors.
George, our Design volunteer, who also created Family Giving Tree's new logo, worked hard to meet our print deadlines for with the One Millionth Child campaign stickers. Inspired by the sticker design, each element includes a glyph image, whether its an elf boot or wrapped present to tie the brand together.
Alina, Designer at ZURB, and Jocelyn, Design volunteer, worked furiously to develop Family Giving Tree's new brochure. Two designers were necessary to complete this task on time as it includes the most amount of content, images and sketches. Alina explained that many elements in the print material include hand drawn circles and lines. This was used to create texture and focus.
Anthony, Designer at ZURB, explained that many of the print assets include block colors to draw more emphasis to the design. This allows many of the photos in circles to pop. You may remember, from our previous post that Anthony created a leafy design for the Thank You cards. After a couple of iterations, all print materials focused on more simple and direct circular shapes.
The Thank You cards in particular maintain a playful vibe through their photography and font choices.Finally, we have Jackie's, Invitation for Family Giving Tree's One Millionth Child event on December 10, 2012. The design is simple and less bold than the other elements, but draws in consistency with its color choices and rounded text box corners.
Caleb is still working on his poster for Family Giving Tree, but has a deadline off 6:00 PM to send the design to our other printer, Zazzle.