The Engineering Team are the stealthy heroes of ZURB Wired. They begin their planning weeks before the event, investigating the development environment they’ll be operating in, ways they can improve the nonprofit’s setup, and any new tools or technologies that can be applied to the project. This preparation is often goes unnoticed… unless something goes wrong later on.
Once the project is in full swing, they spend the early hours testing systems and getting access. Then comes the flood. The web team begins sending them templates to integrate into Wordpress. The content team sends them written copy to plug into those templates. The design team shoots them over image after image. And this is where the problems can appear. With three separate teams sending multiple files at once, the chance of miscommunication and mistakes skyrocket.
Fortunately for us, ZURB’s team of engineers stay cool as ice. They work through problems and always ensure that things work. We’re counting on the engineers to carry us through to the home stretch!