And here we go! ZURB Wired 2015 has begun and there’s a tremendous amount of energy and excitement here at ZURB HQ! This is our eighth ZURB Wired and also happens to be the Downtown Streets Team’s 10th anniversary.
Wired begins with breakfast, some inspiring words from Bryan and a special Friday15-esque icebreaker to get our creative juices flowing. The icebreaking activity was led by Ibie, who handed us paper and Sharpies, and gave us all five minutes to sketch our perfect vision of the Downtown Streets Team KARTMA cart in any location in the world (or beyond). The results were creative, hilarious and completely absurd:
- Mandi’s cart was actually an automated drone that delivered her coffee at any time
- Tim’s cart was rollin’ on dubs and blasted the latest Hip Hop hits
- Shawna’s cart was an intergalactic, feline piloted rocketship
- Geoff’s cart served pizza in a shnazzy game show fashion
After the laughs, Bryan broke us up into our teams for the morning brainstorming session. The energy is high, the ideas are flowing and the music is bumping. 23 hours to go...