The operation of ZURB Wired involves a team of people filling logistical and marketing roles. Shawna, aka Mama ZURB, is probably the primary driver of Wired behind the scenes. We took a few minutes to catch up with her to learn more about how to keep a team going for 24 hours straight. The goal is to keep all of the humans, well, human.
Behind-the-scenes rule number one: keep people hydrated. The brain and muscles are 75% water, and keeping them going for 24 hours straight is going to be difficult without staying hydrated. Besides the meals and snacks throughout the event, we arranged refresh kits so people can freshen up in the early morning.
Behind-the-scenes rule number two: keep people well fed. We agree with the maxim “stay hungry,” but not when you’re working for 24 hours straight. ZURB is always a treasure city of tasty treats, and tonight is no exception.
Behind-the-scenes rule number three: keep people having fun. The journey during ZURB Wired is a fun challenge. Nonetheless, we provide additional fun with plenty of room for tomfoolery with our prop-filled photo booth.