At ZURB we pride ourselves on tackling any potential problems from a design perspective. From Afton, our accountant, all the way to Chris, our marketing guru, when we have an idea, everybody grabs a Sharpie and gets in the mix.
But sometimes, it's good to let the experts do their thing. Our engineers, while great at sketching, knock it out of the park with all things code. Front-end, back-end, middle-end, they're in the thick of it, making sure everything ads up to a beautiful page for Rebuilding Together Peninsula.
While our engineering bad-asses are in the trenches, coding up the jams, our print team is coming together to help our partners come up with the new hotness in print media. Alina, our design lead and creative director, is calling the shots, giving directives and keeping the team focused and motivated...which can be difficult with a flurry of Nerf darts whizzing by your ear.
So without further delay, another video update. A little something for everybody. Some design speak and code freaks. Lets get in there!
Now that you've seen the visuals, seen Matt and his team do their thing, keep it locked to the blog for our next update. Getting in depth with Engineering. The nuts and bolts of ZURB Wired 2013