The ZURBwired plans are in full swing now, and we're happy to announce that open submissions for nonprofits are running now through March 18th! All nonprofits interested in participating in ZURBwired have from today until March 18th at midnight to submit their interest to the team at [email protected].
What is ZURBwired?
ZURBwired is a 24-hour design collaboration, hosted annually by ZURB, where we complete a marketing effort for one lucky nonprofit. It's 24 straight hours of doing what we do best, all to benefit one special nonprofit organization, and all at almost no cost to them. That's right; maybe it's a new website, maybe it's posters and invites for an upcoming event, whatever the materials involved, the nonprofit will walk away at the end of the day with all the completed and printed collateral—literally hot off the presses—and it will cost only their time and commitment to the event.
ZURBwired is an opportunity for ZURB to use it's skills to give back to our local community. The idea is to collaborate with a nonprofit organization using our design expertise to produce something great. This year will be our third ZURBwired and every year we're more overwhelmed by the results, as well as the number of people volunteering to help us make the event a success.
What can you really get done in 24 hours?
A lot more than you would think thanks to ZURB's talented team and our dedicated partners and volunteers. You can get that sweet new logo along with a website relaunch. You'll finally get that newsletter campaign going and setup those AdWords landing pages you've been meaning to do. And print collateral? We can design and produce all the cool schwag and marketing brochures you need, all in 24 hours. They'll be in your hands that very day. For real.
It's at no expense to your non-profit if you're willing to join in with us and work just as hard as we do for it. And did we mention it's for 24 hours straight? It's crazy, but as our last ZURBwired showed, it's exhilarating and creates results fast.
What do I need to do?
If you're a nonprofit, you need to gather your core team—those folks who will be here with us all day (and night!)—and send us an email at [email protected] that includes:
- The project you need ZURB's help with
- The team who's going to be here for 24 hours helping us make it happen
- Why your organization is a fit for ZURBwired.
If you're a vounteer or a potential partner for ZURBwired, you just need to email us ([email protected]) and tell us what skills or services you'll bring to the event and why you think you're a fit for ZURBwired.
Find out more about ZURBwired »
We'll be announcing our ZURBwired 2010 nonprofit partner on Friday, March 19th.