How many of you have been in a meeting where Captain No chimes in or a Spineless Leader lets a great idea get squashed? Building great things online is tough and requires skills, but the lack of passion or dysfunctional organizations usually get in the way of making great things happen.
Any of these sound familiar?
- Team is beat down and unwilling to take a risk
- Team lead doesn't stick up for a great idea
- "We need to table that until..."
- Disruptive ideas spark *only disruption* late in a project
- A new person joins the middle of a project
- VP of ____________ changes direction
There's an endless list of reasons why something can't be done. Sometimes it takes a spark to get people out of the same-old-same-old ways of doing business. It can be a new meeting location, a different team, a new tool or great customer insight. Five years ago, we decided to try something new to help non-profits get unstuck.
This Thursday marks our 4th ZURBwired where we'll pull off a marketing miracle in 24 hours for Rebekah Children's Services. It started as a crazy idea to show non-profits that amazing things can happen when you have a team of passionate people who want to make something great happen. It's now become something even more to the ZURB team- it's a way to build teamwork, inspire great ideas and encourage risk taking in a supportive environment. It's a rite of passage for ZURBians and it's so awesome to be able to share this with a great group of passionate people who have made social services their life.
On Thursday we'll be blogging the entire event with photos, real-time videos and progress reports that showcase the work as it unfolds. We're going to attempt to build an an entire campaign that includes a website, newsletter and printed materials- all in 24 hours. We're going get Rebekah's team to make tough decisions and commit to them to make something awesome happen. You can see a past event on the Pie Ranch page.
It would be awesome if you could chime in on the ZURBwired blog during the Thursday event to support Rebekah Children's Services and in doing so you're letting them know *they can do it*.

Bryan Zmijewski
Leading the charge at ZURB since 1998
Our fearless leader has been driving progressive design at ZURB since 1998. That makes him quite the instigator around the offices, consistently challenging both the team and our customers to strive to always do better and better.
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Follow him at @bryanzmijewski