As you know, we're uber geeks. We love to flirt with the latest and greatest in order to push the envelope and build awesome products. We've had a passionate love affair with jQuery for a while now but have recently turned our attention to HTML5. So when the opportunity came to compete in Mozilla's HTML5 Video Derby, we knew we had to push the limits. We used jQuery and HTML5 to create an HTML5 Video Voting plugin which lets you vote on your favorite parts of the video and jump to popular segments.
Go ahead and check it out by pressing the space bar to vote as you watch this video below. It will automatically populate the bar graph above with your vote. You will know when you have successfully voted when the token is placed in the timeline.
When you vote, it is added to that section of the videos timeline. This allows a viewer to quickly assess the most intriguing segments of the video and quickly jump to those sections by clicking on the bar graph.
Tested in the latest versions of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Apple's Safari. Does not work in all browsers.