At this point, it's pretty obvious we love jQuery here at ZURB. Reveal is our newest jQuery plugin for making dead simple and sexy modals. We use modals fairly frequently - they are a fantastic way to keep users engaged without leaving a page. There are several critical benefits there:
- Speed: Popping a modal that has already loaded on the page is going to be basically instant - this retains visitors and keeps them happy
- Maintains Context: Modals are meant to be a compartmentalized way to take action. By keeping a user on the page they don't loose the context of what they were browsing/working on
- Focus: By essentially "removing" the rest of the page to give absolute focus to a single action, it gives the user focus and understanding of what needs to be done
Now what makes Reveal different than those other modal plugins you've seen while perusing the interwebs? Well, we kept ourselves focused on three things while we wrote Reveal:
- Ease of Implementation: Reveal is dead simple to get going. For designers who aren't comfortable with jQuery or javascript, Reveal can be implemented without writing a single line of javascript (see how below)
- Sleek Cross-Browser Style: We tried to make a style agnostic enough to live on almost any site, but that is still really sexy. Don't like it? No worries, everything can be changed in CSS.
- Lightweight at 1.75KB: Minified Reveal is less than 2KB which means it comes at almost no cost to your sites load time
Well, now that you're up to speed on Reveal, you should check it out on our playground!
Check out the Reveal Playground Page