Ever wonder how Netflix built such a great user experience? Ever think how you could do the same for your own product? On June 4th Bill Scott, the man who helped engineer Netflix's UI, will get on his soapbox at ZURB to help you learn how he helps his teams approach product design:
- How Netflix makes decisions
- Being relentless about simplicity
- War stories about design-by-analytics vs. design-by-principles
- Getting Design and Engineering to work together (UX vs. agile development)
- Creating morale by not trying to create morale
- Killing features
Most of us know that a great customer experience stems from an interface that does not distract us. A great UI lets us accomplish a goal without too much interaction. As a result, it brings the support costs down for the business and makes us customers happier and more engaged. So the question is: how do you build a UI like that? We're excited to have Bill Scott join us to share techniques for how to do exactly that.
As the Director of UI Engineering at Netflix, Bill lead a team of UI engineers to create the best experience for online movie delivery in the world. You might have read through some of Bill's principles behind design: Make the UI Direct, Keep it Lightweight, Stay on the Page, and Provide an Invitation. These are great concepts, but like everyone else we want to know how he actually implemented these principles in a company environment? Join us to find out.
One secret to great interaction design is minding the interesting moments—those points in time where we can create nuanced engagement with the user.
- Bill Scott
About Bill: For 20+ years Bill has bounced back and forth between design and engineering, creating products video games, widget libraries, war gaming, IDE tools, airline management and Web consumer sites. Bill Scott is currently the VP of Product Engineering at Meebo where he leads the UX and Engineering to continually improve the UI of one of the most popular IM aggregators in the world. Previously, as the Director of UI Engineering at Netflix Bill & his team built the Netflix experience for web, TV and most recently, the Apple iPad.
Before Netflix Bill led the engineering effort for Yahoo! Teachers, one of the first web 2.0 communities built by teachers for teachers with the help of Yahoo! The site helped teachers to gather, organize & share web resources and lesson planning. As the Design Pattern curator at Yahoo! Bill evangelized Yahoo! Design Pattern Library which quickly became one of the few primary resources to let designers and developers easily find a design pattern to suite the problem at hand.
Bill is the co-author of the O'Reilly book Designing Web Interfaces which shares six design principles for creating rich interaction design on the web. The design principles underpin 70+ patterns and best practices for creating rich internet applications.
RSVP for Bill Scott's ZURBsoapbox on June 4th
Friday, June 4th, 2010
from 12:00-1:00pm PST