We've written before about the importance of having a mission statement. It's a dreadful, mistake-filled process that leads to a jumbled mess of corporate speak. So, instead of thinking about your mission, start thinking about your story. What's yours? Think of a recent conversation you remember well. Why was it so great? Chances are, it's because it struck you on an emotional level. There's a lesson here for companies. Like people, companies need to appeal to emotion, not just from a "big brand" perspective, but from their day-to-day service to customers. Stop and think: what resonates with your customer? Why do they love what you do for them? Answering this kind of question isn't about "positioning" yourself in a marketplace, it's about connecting with people on a personal level. It's about being memorable in your everyday actions and words. Companies that speak from the heart will connect with the right people. Do this and you'll give them a story to remember.