Over at the very excellent
Flowing Data data visualization site they're starting a series called Visualize This, wherein they make available a data set and ask users to construct visualizations of that data. Their first set is on
poverty rate by age in America – certainly topical given the state of the national economy.

This is a phenomenal idea and one I want to just jump right into – I've been wanting to hone my data viz skills (ever since I got into Edward Tufte's amazing
Visual Explanations) and this is the perfect excuse for me. You can grab the data
here and they ask you to post your visualizations in their forums. There's a two week deadline – plenty of time.
I'm going to do it and hopefully I can get some of
my fellow ZURBians to throw down a well. If you're as psyched about this as I am grab the data and get cracking! Post a link to your visualization in the comments below, we can't wait to see what can come out of this.