Keeping track of how your design has changed over time is a pain. If you can't access previous versions of your site design, it is impossible to know what feedback was implemented and what work is left to be done.
To help solve this problem, we've added a subtle way for you to do version tracking in Notable without losing focus on the current iteration. On the post page for any Notable post, you can embed a thumbnail of any other post into the comments section. Here's how you do it:
- Step 1: Grab the post url for the Notable post you'd like to embed.
- Step 2: On the post page you'd like to add a thumbnail to, select "Add a Notable Post" in the comments section.
- Step 3: Paste the post url for the post you'd like to add, and add a comment so that others will know what the thumbnail is all about.
- Step 4: Press the submit button to add the thumbnail and your comments to the new post.

Using the embedded posts as a way to track multiple versions of a design works pretty well, but don't limit yourself to just that. There are definitely more uses out there that we haven't thought of.