After announcing
the arrival of our new developer, it's also time to let everyone know about Alvin Cheung, our marketing and design intern.
A native of Hong Kong, Alvin moved to the Bay Area in 2004 to pursue a degree from San Jose State University. A little over four years later, Alvin found ZURB. As for what drew him in, he says, "A bunch of interaction designers that break the rules? Who wouldn't want to work at ZURB?"
Alvin has just completed his second week in the
ZURB internship program, but unlike some of
our past interns, he's here to apply his great design skills on marketing at ZURB.
Other than that I'm looking to eat some brains— everyone here has a ton of great knowledge and I'm hoping to be able to leave with some of that so that I can be a better designer.
Alvin will be spending 3 months with
the team working under Bryan's wing on a variety of projects including the ZURB handbook and
ZURBword. After that, he's not really sure. "There's no concrete plan," he says, "Hunter got me started on the idea of world domination, so that's what I'll be working on after ZURB."
Alvin's combination of excitement and design skills are what make him a great fit for ZURB. Before he came to us he honed his Flash, SEO, and web design skills at two top advertising agencies:
Saatchi & Saatchi in London and White Company in Hong Kong.
The skill he's used most so far at ZURB?
"Being here at ZURB really excercises your analytical skills. Asking yourself why you're doing what you're doing."
Keep up the good work and welcome to the team, Alvin!