**Role Player** - This team member wants the project to succeed and might be someone who can be your advocate, so look to leverage his positive attitude. He may soften his feedback to the point that his ideas become almost passive, so be on the lookout for subtle thoughts, ideas, and "off the record" answers.

**Loud Mouth** - She's full of thoughts and wants to be heard. Going against her ideas may bring yours into sharper focus, or her ideas may be ignored by the team altogether. Acknowledge the feedback this type of personality offers— even if you think you won't need to act on any of it in the end.

**Devil's Advocate** - This team member challenges every idea on the table. He might be just looking for better answers, or he may actually just be difficult to work with. Look at where he exposes the holes in your logic, however, and make sure you're not overlooking valuable feedback just you're dealing with a blowhard.

**Corporate Climber** - She's got an agenda and plans to move on it. Look closely at what her agenda is and try to read her goals. The goals of corporate climbers are often closely aligned with corporate strategy and therefore makes their advice worth listening to.
There's no magic eight ball when it comes to dealing with the different personality types that hand you feedback on a design. The best approach is to step back and consider each person's goals and agenda before discarding or acting on the advice they give. Do you have a team member pegged?