Our friend and advisor Luke Wroblewski recently sat down with Jared Spool and had a podcast chat on designing for a multi-device world. It's a pretty interesting conversations, you can listen to the entire thing here. But one of the things that Luke said that really struck us was:
If you haven't really put the work and effort upfront into being flexible with how your web content works across these devices, over the course of a month there's X million of these different form-factor devices, and you're caught with your pants down.
It's no secret that mobile web usage is leaving desktop traffic in the dust, and tablets are outpacing smartphones. Which is why we've long been advocates for the responsive web. We have to design responsively, ensuring that our designs don't get trapped solely in one device, whether that's a desktop or a smartphone. They have to work on four corners, no matter the size.
That's one of the many reasons we put so much work into Foundation, the most advanced responsive framework in the world. We want to make sure you're prepared for the future, that you don't get caught with your pants down.
Our First Foundation Meetup This Thursday

That's why we're super excited to hold our first Foundation meetup at ZURB HQ this Thursday for fans of the framework or for those of you who want to know more about responsive design.
Chris, our Design Lead, will give a brief talk on responsive design and how Foundation fits into the grander scheme of a multi-device world. Oh, and there will be some munchies.
For those of you not in the Bay Area, we got you covered as well. We'll actually be live-streaming the event on Google Hangouts — just add Foundation by ZURB on Google+ to your circles, and follow @foundationzurb on Twitter for instructions on how to join in on the hangout.
Here are the exact the details:
What: Foundation Meetup
When: Thursday, Aug. 16
Where: ZURB HQ, 55 North 3rd Street, Suiteness 100a, Campbell, CA 95008
Event starts at 6 PM and ends at 8 PM
You can either RSVP at Eventbright or email us at [email protected]. We can't wait to see y'all this Thursday.