Are you scared to give your opinion? If so, get over it— it's the only way you'll grow. Opinions show you have an interest, that you're not just a passive observer. People will reciprocate ideas when they know you care.
Here are a few opinions:
- Most industry conferences promote insular ideas and ultimately get in the way of connecting with your customers.
- Well known designers don't necessarily understand the business of helping customers.
- Most designers spend far too little time interacting with their customers.
- Design can be taught. It can be learned. And most people can use it to grow their businesses.
- Pretty visuals on top of things that don't work hurt a business just as much as a business person that doesn't understand design.
- Ugly design can be profitable.
- Good looking visuals can alienate your customer without the right interactions.
Have opinions of your own on design, technology, business? Share them in the comments below.