Over the weekend we rolled out our latest updates to ZURB.com, fixing a few bugs, updating many of our pages, and introducing some new features. Here's the lowdown on what's changed.
ZURBword Redesigned
We did a visual refresh via CSS for
ZURBword, focusing on creating a more compelling column layout while improving readability. The entire layout was updated to reflect our general aesthetic for ZURBword, as seen on the back of our business cards.
It's a much sleeker layout, one that we've been dying to get out for some time now. New words (like
Design Thinking) are around the corner, so stay tuned.
A New Footer
We updated our footer to be more consistent with the rest of the site, realigning our messaging there to match our expectations for marketing and features elsewhere.
The old footer had some great personality, but it lacked cohesiveness. The pieces pulled apart rather than together. We made the forms unified (inspired by our new ZURBword layout), updated the copy, and cleaned the visuals up quick a bit.
Improved Commenting
Previously, we stripped out all HTML in our comments, deflating them to bulky passages that were tough to read. We've fixed that and more.
We added a handy-dandy toolbar to help you format your text by using
Markdown, a text-to-HTML formatter for writing on the Web. It keeps things easy to read and converts to valid XHTML.
So what's that mean?
That means that you can use HTML and Markdown in our comments, and it'll stay intact when you post. And even better, **you're now able to use keyboard shortcuts and preview what you're writing**—live!
Revamped Work Section
It's been awhile since we've updated our case studies, but we've just added three new ones to the mix:
Britney Spears,
Photobucket, and
We'll be adding images to them all shortly and finalizing the layout, but the content is set. We're quite proud of our work and wanted to share it you all.
In addition to the case studies, we updated
our services to include four sub pages, all interlinked and with example case studies. Take a spin and read more about what we do.
And that's not all!
We made a number of backend changes, mostly focused around
our Dashboard, but the best stuff is still in our back pockets. We typically push out a new release every month, constantly iterating on pieces that don't feel quite right and adding new content.
Stick around as more is still to come!