Today we came across a pretty nifty video that showcases a holographic display, which Fast Company is calling "worthy of Iron Man." Check it out:
Looks like science fiction, something you'd find, as Fast Company points out, in Tony Stark's laboratory garage floating above his collection of classic cars. Or something used by the ill-fated crew of the Prometheus. But it's not. It's reality.
The zSpace system is something you can own now. It even uses head tracking so that allows the holographic object to follow your head movements. And while the video shows a man drafting and manipulating his designs with a stylus, how far away are we from using a system like this to surf the web or interact with online products? Not far, not far at all, especially when you consider Google's push for its augmented-reality glasses. Soon data will break loose from the four-corners of our devices and let themselves loose upon our world.
What say you? What do you think will be the future of how we interact with data?