Foundation for Apps
Foundation for Apps is a framework you can use to build better, more polished single-page web applications that work across many devices. We’ve taken what we’ve learned from building the original Foundation framework to build an entirely new framework just for web apps.
Foundation for Apps was the first responsive web app framework and broke a ton of new ground since its release. The ZURB Foundation team has appreciated hearing all your thoughts on the framework and through it we’ve learned how you're using it, what it does well and what it’s lacking. With this knowledge we can continue building atop what we've created.
We've learned a lot building Foundation for Apps — from new technology to just talking to the web community as a whole. The lessons that we’ve learned our shaping how we build the future of Foundation. Experiments like Foundation for Apps and the feedback the community has given us give us the insights we need to continue driving the web forward. In fact, some of the best parts of Foundation for Apps have already found their way into Foundation for Sites.
A new Flexbox grid - one just for web apps
Foundation for Apps included an all-new grid system that lets you create complex, full-screen layouts in horizontal and vertical orientations taking advantage of the ultra rad display:flex property. We’ve added this Flex grid to Foundation for Sites 6.

Vertical and horizontal scrolling sections

Unlimited source ordering options
Motion UI
Foundation for Apps comes bundled with a robust, easy to use motion and transition library to help you create an experience that really feels like an app. This really helps people create custom animations and transitions, so we added it to Foundation for Sites 6 as well.

The Future of Foundation
We believe the best solution for the future of the web is a single, robust framework capable of developing webapps and websites, so we’ve made the decision to streamline our development and move Foundation for Apps into our experimental playground to concentrate on Foundation for Sites. Foundation has, and will continue to push the web forward, and we’re incredibly excited about the future. You can follow along with the Foundation for Sites roadmap to get more details on where the project is headed and learn how to get involved.